Virtudes Prusianas

VIRTUDES PRUSIANAS (Brandenburgo-Prusia, Alemania):
Perfecta organización * Sacrificio * Imperio de la ley * Obediencia a la autoridad * Militarismo * Fiabilidad * Tolerancia religiosa * Sobriedad * Frugalidad * Pragmatismo * Puntualidad * Modestia * Diligencia

miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

La primera de muchas... de la discriminacion de judios de Israel a... judios de otros lados...

Y luego se están quejando... mandan sus grupitos de "defensa" (preferiria a los camisas pardas) y se ponen de alarmistas y dignos, israelies y judios. ¿ Quieren acabar con el galopante neo anti judaismo-zionismo ? ¡ Actuen ya de otro modo ! Empezando entre ustedes.

Each Second Russian Immigrant Wants to Be Real Jew – July 25, 2008
According to the polls of Israel’s government and the U.S. Joint, 54 percent of immigrants of former Soviet republics that repatriated to Israel from 1990 through 2005 want to appear true Israelis to the natives, Vremia Novostey reported.

Some 82 percent of the polled don’t feel they have integrated into Israel, saying they are treated as special community there, while for 47 percent of respondents language is the biggest problem.

Roughly a fourth of the polled said they endured ethnic discrimination, mostly in government’s bodies. Forty 40 percent of parents said their Russian-language children faced discrimination of teachers and other schoolchildren. Some 31 percent of respondents said their children suffered from violence of schoolmates.

Having changed the country, people have retained their habits and customs, often calling discrimination the desire of the Israelis to impose their culture and rules, explained Marina Solodkina, who is the Knesset member from ruling Kadima Party.

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