Virtudes Prusianas

VIRTUDES PRUSIANAS (Brandenburgo-Prusia, Alemania):
Perfecta organización * Sacrificio * Imperio de la ley * Obediencia a la autoridad * Militarismo * Fiabilidad * Tolerancia religiosa * Sobriedad * Frugalidad * Pragmatismo * Puntualidad * Modestia * Diligencia

jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Berlin 1945 y hoy

Berlin 1945 und heute

Una comparativa en fotos, la ciudad destruída en 1945 y la misma zona en foto hoy día.

Capturan una misteriosa criatura en China |

Capturan una misteriosa criatura en China | Paranormal, extraterrestres, esoterico, ovni, ouija

Capturan una misteriosa criatura en China

Desde tiempos inmemorables muchos lugareños de pequeñas aldeas de China han afirmado haber sido atacados por el Shui Gui, un fantasma de agua del folclore chino. Según las antiguas leyendas, los Shui Guis son criaturas malvadas que dominaron el mal en el mundo del agua y con el tiempo adquirieron la capacidad de poseer cuerpos humanos para difundir su maldad por toda la tierra. Estos seres son conocidos como “fantasmas de agua” y se cree que son los espíritus de aquellos que se ahogaron en las aguas profundas.

Arqueólogo resuelve misterio de 4000 años.

Archeologists Solve 4,000 Year-old Mystery

Una vez más, tal parece que el cambio climático fue el factor de desaparición de esta sociedad o civilización en la meseta del Tibet hace tan solo 4000 años, para quienes creen que los cambios climáticos toman mucho más tiempo, no pueden ser rápidos y devastadores.

Do mention the war: Germans no longer view it as a defeat | The Australian

Do mention the war: Germans no longer view it as a defeat | The Australian

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

¿Provocó la NSA de EUA los disturbios de Baltimore con arma sónica y psicológica ?

NSA “Sonic-Wave” Weapon Use In Baltimore Horrifies Russia

ONU: Israele es el peor enemigo de los derechos humanos | JEWSNEWS

UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights | JEWSNEWS

Los Schützengruppen de la infantería alemana. Tácticas

Die Schützengruppe der Wehrmacht im Gefecht

Cuando se es serio en cualqueir afición. Toda esta información proviene de alguien que pinta piezas de soldaditos y arma escenarios de combate... para que luzcan reales.

l.M.G.-Trupp vorgehend

(Breve) Mapa de países a los que Inglaterra no ha invadido.

A map of the world according to the countries Britain has never invaded

Si, queda claro ese plan de dominación mundial de los malditos alemanes nazis... ¿ Ah ? ¿ No es de los nazis  sino de los "defensores de la libertad y democracia" el "lindo y benévolo" imperio Británico ? :/ Yo creí que lso nazis eran los más grandes invasores del universo... bueno eso dice los periódicos y las series de TV y Hollywood.

Y los idiotas sintiéndose buenos y nobles portando playeritas de la "Union Jack" (Bandera del R.U.) y gritando "God Save the Queen", no creo que sea menos grave que ponerse una con una svástica, pero si bastante más hipócrita.


martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Familia aleman-judía: Israel es cruel e inmisericorde. | Intifada Palestine

German Jewish family recounts ordeal of living in Israel | Intifada Palestine

Aun para una familia alemana-judía Israel es un país inmisericorde y cruel y no desean nada que ver con el.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

Poco a poco las verdades sobre la 1a Guerra | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

First world war: an imperial bloodbath that's a warning, not a noble cause | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

Esos cuentos de que UK defensora de la libertad y sus cuentos que solo lso lerdos creen es una estupidez. Que muy defensora de la democracia y libertades... mentira. Un imperio putrefacto y rabioso solamente.

"Germany was the rising industrial power and colonial Johnny-come-lately of the time, seeking its place in the sun from the British and French empires. The war erupted directly from the fight for imperial dominance in the Balkans, as Austria-Hungary and Russia scrapped for the pickings from the crumbling Ottoman empire. All the ruling elites of Europe, tied together in a deathly quadrille of unstable alliances, shared the blame for the murderous barbarism they oversaw. The idea that Britain and its allies were defending liberal democracy, let alone international law or the rights of small nations, is simply absurd."

9/11, JFK assassination, holocaust debated at US university | Truth Jihad News

9/11, JFK assassination, holocaust debated at US university | Truth Jihad News

Mientras que 2/3 de la gente en EUA duda de la versión oficial sobre JFK y 1/3 sobre el 9/11 el Holocausto es un tema más duro, relata el autor:

"Did the Germans really murder six million Jews, most of them in gas chambers, as part of an official policy of complete extermination? To even ask the question is heretical in the West.
Yet in Morocco, where I did my Ph.D. research on a Fulbright fellowship, every scholar with whom I discussed the topic sided, to a greater or lesser extent, with the revisionists. Many of these scholars had read dozens of books on the topic. I had read none.
Still, I thought the holocaust revisionists were almost certainly wrong.
Then about five years ago, I read a book purporting to refute the revisionists: Denying History by Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman. From this book I learned that the official Auschwitz death total was revised downward from 4 million to 1.5 million in 1989. Yet the official “holocaust” total remained at 6 million. Shermer and Grobman explain that around 1989, at the exact moment that 2.5 million Auschwitz victims disappeared, historians revised upwards the total number of Jews killed by firing squads on the Eastern Front…by precisely 2.5 million. The result: The sacred 6 million figure remained enshrined."

sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Reconocido científico Michio Kaku sorprende con hallazgo de evidencia irrefutable: Dios sí existe | Fenómenos Paranormales

Reconocido científico Michio Kaku sorprende con hallazgo de evidencia irrefutable: Dios sí existe | Fenómenos Paranormales

Habrá que corroborar primero esto, la veracidad y adecuada traducción de las declaraciones pero de todos modos es algo sensacional.


El reputado físico teórico norteamericano Michio Kaku, famoso por formular la revolucionaria teoría de las cuerdas (modelo fundamental de la física que asume que las partículas materiales aparentemente puntuales son, en realidad, “estados vibracionales”), causó recientemente un pequeño remezón en la comunidad científica luego que afirmara haber encontrado pruebas de la existencia de una fuerza inteligente y desconocida por el hombre que gobierna la naturaleza, es decir, algo bastante parecido al concepto que muchos tienen de Dios como ente creador y rector del universo.
Para llegar a esta conclusión Michio Kaku utilizó una inédita tecnología creada el año 2005 que le permitió analizar el comportamiento de la materia a escala subatómica, valiéndose para ello de un “semi-radio primitivo de taquiones”. Los taquiones, por cierto, son todas aquellas partículas hipotéticas capaz de moverse a velocidades superlumínicas, es decir, son partículas teóricas capaces de “despegar” la materia del universo o el contacto de vacío con ella, dejando así a esta materia en estado puro, totalmente libre de las influencias del universo que las rodea.

Según el físico, al observar el comportamiento de estos taquiones en varios experimentos, llegó a la conclusión que los seres humanos vivíamos en una especie de “Matrix”, vale decir, un mundo regido por leyes y principios concebidos por una especie de gran arquitecto inteligente. “He llegado a la conclusión de que estamos en un mundo hecho por reglas creadas por una inteligencia, no muy diferente de un juego de ordenador favorito, pero, por supuesto, más complejo e impensable”, aseguró el científico.
Michio kaku agregó que “analizando el comportamiento de la materia a escala subatómica, afectada por el semi radio primitivo de taquiones, por primera vez en la historia, un diminuto punto en el espacio, totalmente libre de cualquier influencia del universo, materia, fuerza o ley, se percibe de una forma inédita el caos absoluto. Así, todo lo que llamamos azar ya no tiene más sentido, porque estamos en un plano regido por reglas creadas y no determinado por azares universales. Esto quiere decir que, con toda probabilidad, existe una fuerza desconocida que lo gobierna todo”, dijo el científico.
Michio Kaku agregó que “alguien le hizo una vez a Einstein la gran pregunta: ¿Hay un Dios? Y Einstein respondió que, en primer lugar, para ser científico hay que especificar bien lo que se entiende como Dios. Si se entiende a Dios como una figura a la que se le reza, una figura que otorga e interviene, entonces la respuesta es no. Pero él creía en un Dios representado por el orden, la armonía, la belleza, la simplicidad y la elegancia, el Dios de Spinoza. El universo podía ser caótico y feo, pero en cambio es bello, simple y regido por reglas matemáticas sencillas”.
La teoría de las cuerdas y la música de Dios
Con respecto a la formulación de la famosa “String Field Theory”, o teoría de las cuerdas, modelo fundamental de la física que asume que las partículas materiales aparentemente puntuales son, en realidad, “estados vibracionales” de un objeto extendido más básico llamado “cuerda” o “filamento”, lo que convertiría a un electrón, por ejemplo, no en un “punto” sin estructura interna y de dimensión cero, sino que un amasijo de cuerdas minúsculas que vibran en un espacio-tiempo de más de cuatro dimensiones, Kaku afirmó que “desde hace mucho tiempo trabajo en esta teoría, que se basa en la música o pequeñas cuerdas vibrantes que nos dan las partículas que vemos en la naturaleza. Las leyes de la química con las que hemos tenido problemas en la escuela secundaria serían las melodías que se pueden ejecutar en estas cuerdas vibrantes. El Universo, así, sería una sinfonía de estas cuerdas vibrantes y la mente de Dios, sobre la que Einstein escribió ampliamente, sería música cósmica resonando a través de este nirvana a través de las 11 dimensiones hiper espaciales”.
El físico norteamericano de origen japonés concluyó que “los físicos son los únicos científicos que puede decir la palabra “Dios” y no sonrojarse. El hecho esencial es que se trata de preguntas cósmicas de existencia y significado. Thomas Huxley, el gran biólogo del siglo pasado, dijo que la cuestión de todas las preguntas de la ciencia y la religión es determinar nuestro lugar y nuestro verdadero rol en el Universo. Por tanto, la ciencia y la religión se tratan de la misma pregunta. Sin embargo, ha habido esencialmente un divorcio en el último siglo, más o menos, entre la ciencia y el humanismo, y creo que es muy triste que no hablemos ya el mismo idioma”.

Vaticano rechaza idea de "pueblo elegido" y demanda termine ocupación israelí — RT Russian politics

Vatican rejects “chosen people” claim, calls on Israel to end “occupation” — RT Russian politics

Vaya que el arzobispo Cyrille Bustros se armó de cristiano valor, muy bien por el:

"We Christians cannot speak of the promised land as an exclusive right for a privileged Jewish people,”Bustros continued. "This promise was nullified by Christ. There is no longer a chosen people – all men and women of all countries have become the chosen people."

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

Ex-SS Guard: Trains Queued At Auschwitz - Yahoo News Canada

Ex-SS Guard: Trains Queued At Auschwitz - Yahoo News Canada

Pues que ni tan tumultuosos los campos y que ni las cámaras de gases tan masivas. 5000 presos podían ser internados apenas por día.

Las matemáticas del Holocausto seguro son una cosa interesante, más si hacemos la comprobatoria con los detalles de la Cruz Roja.

martes, 14 de abril de 2015



Un judío (mexicano) hace negocio y vende e agua mexicana a dudosa compañía de Israel.

Este judío (mexicano, pero sabemos que nunca realmente respetan al país, siempre anhelan y trabajan para el terruño de medio oriente, su Israel y solo saquean otros lugares) vendió el agua mexicana en turbia operación  a una compañía Israelí. Las lluvias mexicanas ahora son para judíos-israelíes.


Los negocios de Korenfeld con los israelíes
Enrique Galván Ochoa

Ahora que ya no puede encubrirse a sí mismo, tal vez sea conveniente seguir la pista a un intrigante negocio que firmó el ahora ex director de la Comisión Nacional del Agua David Korenfeld Federman con la empresa israelí Mekorot National Water Company, con la intermediación de Natan Eshel, conocido gestor de negocios israelita, quien fungió como jefe del equipo del primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu. Tiene fama de embolsarse de 5 a 8% de comisión por sus servicios. El contrato con Mekorot fue firmado durante la visita que el presidente Shimon Peres hizo a México en noviembre de 2013. La materia del contrato fue la rehabilitación de los recursos acuíferos del país y fue calificado de ‘‘histórico’’, porque es uno de los mayores contratos que esa empresa ha firmado. El hoy cesante director de Conagua se mostró generoso. De acuerdo con la publicación Globes, el gestor Eshel – coyote, los llamamos los mexicanos– ganará millones de shekels. Declinó comentar el tema diciendo que no revela detalles de sus asuntos privados. Se incorporó a los negocios privados en 2012, después de ser forzado a renunciar a su puesto en el eqipo del primer ministro israelí por un bochornoso incidente. Él es considerado un personaje muy próximo –dice Globes– a Benjamin Netanyahu y su esposa Sara. Hasta aquí hemos visto el negocio del lado israelí, pero del lado mexicano, ¿alguien ha revisado el costo del contrato? ¿Fue inflado para que cupiera la comisión? ¿Le tocó algo al ahora ex funcionario mexicano?

El Banco de Pagos Internacionales: conozca al grupo secreto que dirige el mundo - RT

El Banco de Pagos Internacionales: conozca al grupo secreto que dirige el mundo - RT

Esto sí está interesante

El Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BIS)

Israel, no solo genocida, también ratero de órganos humanos por la fuerza


lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

¿Han peleado Rusia y Putin un nuevo tipo de guerra?

Inside the Kremlin’s Hall of Mirrors (Excerpt)

¿La guerra en el ámbito de la psicoesfera? No ser´ala primera vez, los rusos son expertos en esos rubros, junto con Alemania en la 2GM y posteriormente en la Guerra Fría hubo bastantes investigaciones al respecto.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Enmedio de esta nota sobre tanques Leopar me entero de la base legal para condenra la acción rusa en Crimea -Era War Machines

Germany Tanks: Amid Ukraine Crisis, German Army To Resurrect 100 Cold War-Era War Machines

Encontré por fín la base legal para condenar el acto Ruso de avanzar sobre Crimea.

"In March 2014, on the heels of the Ukrainian revolution, Russia annexed the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, a move that was widely criticized as a violation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, in which the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- guaranteed the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for the country giving up its nuclear weapons stockpile. The event tipped off months of fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces."

Y así la cosa, si Rusia era firmante en ese memorandum de integridad territorial no podría entonces haber hecho lo que hizo.

Alemania rellama, actualiza y revive 100 Leopard 2 - Europe - Stripes

german leopard tankGermany to bring back 100 mothballed tanks - Europe - Stripes

75 años de la operación Weserübung: Invasión de DInamarca - The Local

Denmark remembers 75 years since Nazi invasion - The Local

Denmark remembers 75 years since Nazi invasion

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Alemania: Miles protestan contra militarismo mundial y belicismo de la OTAN


Stumbling World Order and Its Impacts, by Imad Fawzi Shueibi

Stumbling World Order and Its Impacts, by Imad Fawzi Shueibi

JPEG - 21.9 kb
In the interval between two world orders, there is a world war and a transitional period followed by a tightening international grip.
The West formed a World Order in 1648 following the Westphalia Treaty and the Thirty Years War. The Treaty of Westphalia laid down four fundamental principles:
- 1. The absolute sovereignty of the nation-state, and the fundamental right to political self-determination.
- 2. Legal equality between nation-states. The smallest state is, therefore, equal to the largest, regardless of its weakness or strength, or wealth or poverty.
- 3. The International Compliance with treaties, and the emergence of "Binding International Law".
- 4. Non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.
Afterwards, a new world order was established. It was called “The One Hundred Years Peace” 1813-1914, and it shaped the International Rules of the Game; War Game, Peace Game and Rules of Struggle.
The outset of the First World War was an indication to the end of the previous International Order and beginning of a new one, and with the end of the Second World War and end of the League of Nations, a new World Order was established.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Order of Post-WWII ended and a transitional period started. during this transitional period, the United States of America considered that everything related to Post WWII was byones; i.e., the Principle of Sovereignty of Westphalia. Thus, the Westphalia Treaty was abolished “folded” and so was the right to resist the type known by France in its Resistance of the German Occupation. All that turned in the sense that the principle of sovereignty was replaced with the Right of Humanitarian Intervention and resistance was replaced with negotiations, and was even considered terrorism.
This was even more enhanced with the toppling of the trade towers in September 11, 2001 when the Neo-cons shaped the theory of their Masters Leo Strauss and Alan Bloom to form a new unipolar world order [1]. That orientation needed an operation arena, which came to be the Middle East. They started with Iraq, and proceeded to Lebanon, so the domino effect started to roll on. However, their main concern was to lay hand on Syria.
With this shift, the stage of non-polarity started.
The twentieth century started multipolar but soon it became bipolar, and with the end of the Cold War the world order turned unipolar; i.e., a world order in which only one super power dominates. The moment of unipolarity the world has known since the fall of the Berlin Wall and Collapse of the USSR was so swift; it was only a “moment” in the history. Things went on till we reached the world of non-polarity in which power is distributed over several powers.
If the order is multi-polar, it could be cooperative, and it could bear harmony among all its powers, which are though few but working according to stable rules, the violator of which shall be subject to penalty. This order could also be competitive and revolves around the balance of power. It could be more apt to struggle when this balance shakes. However, the case of non-polarity leaves no space for cooperation; rather, it leads to chaos.
There are more powers today than states themselves, yet only a few poles of these are not nation-states. In such a kind of order, the national states lose their monopoly of power. States face the challenge coming from the top and posed by regional and international organizations, in addition to the challenge coming from the bottom and posed by militias, foreigners, companies and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s).
The world of today has no polarity as an inevitable result of globalization. The latter increased the amount, speed and significance of flows across the borders as regards almost everything.
With the presence of many parties with obvious power trying to exercise their influence, it would be difficult to adopt massive responses because the world will be floating in sweeping chaos.
The more the non-polarity exists, the more non-polarity it will generate. Leaving the world today in this state of non-polarity on its own will even make it more complicated with time. The spread of disorder will make systems consisting of more than one party go towards more arbitrarity.

Risks of the International Chaos

Measuring the efficiency and efficacy of any international leadership manifests in the ability of major countries to set the rules of the International Order first then assume the role of regulating the international struggles and controlling or even preventing their occurrences with the highest levels of efficiency and the least cost. However, having experience of two decades and a half reveals a real fiasco in the effectiveness of the international leadership, which means the inexistence of “order”; rather, an international chaotic situation. Thus, there is no place for one pole to dominate and there is not even a system that allows the world to be divided over two powers, nor is there experience or possibility to accept a multi-polarity world.
This international chaotic situation means the maintenance of severity of struggles in places used to be areas for influence test balloons, such as the Middle East, or having struggles through a third party, which will turn the who region into a fight arena.
This struggle will never cease unless the international powers come to an agreement. The emergence of ISIS (Da’esh); however, requires amendment of the struggle and fight rules, which is currently unclear.

The Scientific Dimension of Chaos:

The idea starts with the term “chaos” itself which is strangeness or unfamiliarity makes no difference as long as it is the secret behind all disasters and catastrophes that inflicted the whole world and yet to come.
This concept is related to the concept of “The Butterfly Effect” in which a tiny event may change an entire history. This is what chaos is doing; it has started the process of changing the face of history and creating what the world has never been familiar with ever since the end of the World War II.
Theoreticians of the United States today have not arbitrarily chosen the word “chaos” to mean the overwhelming and sweeping anarchy [2]. They even added the word “creative” to it to give it even a bigger connotation, creating thus a new butterfly effect that can be the cause of a big disaster inflicting the whole humanity.
“Chaos” does not mean “disorder” as long as the latter means something that could be put back to order. With “chaos” there is no possibility whatsoever to organize or put to order. It is the “state of the early existence” mentioned in the Bible from which the whole universe emerged. Without the hand of God, this world would not have been ordered, or almost ordered. That was stated in the Genesis as follows: "And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep".
It was a real chaos before the Hand of Creator or Demiurge set it to order.
Simply, the whole issue centres around changing the world into a chaotic one with no organizing power whatsoever except for the United States.
A strange theory, isn’t it?
But it is really so.
Some Americans want the world to be out of order with the US as the only organizer, taking no consideration to the threats this situation is posing to the whole world including the US itself.
They say this is the nature of the world, and the idea comes from the cosmos and existence itself.
Didn’t the world begin from an organized point that made the Big Bang which led to the creation of galaxies up to the present time; i.e., a new galaxy is born every minute? In Macro Physics, we know it is highly organized but in Micro Physics we find it completely dispersed and in complete chaos. This is one of the modern science paradoxes, especially in Quantum Physics.
To put it differently and state it more accurately, according to the abovementioned theoreticians, existence is originally chaotic because it starts with a point considered the peak of organization from which the Big Bang starts, then it turns to be sweeping chaos. To identify with this universe, the earth should entirely be unorganized. Only the US will be enjoying a great order – like the Big Bang – while the whole earthly existence will be hierarchical in chaos; i.e., some are fairly chaotic, others an less chaotic and others are overwhelmingly chaotic.
For some Americans, the biological aspect of the Chaos Theory lies in life itself:
Isn’t a child born physically and physiologically well, and with the passage of time they grow up, and the signs of senility begin to manifest? Then, their body develops cancers, which are a type of internal chaos controlled by the brain, but when the brain loses control, those cancerous cells become destructive. They destroy the brain or invade the whole body which ends in death either by a disease that used to have no effect in the past or a heart attack that would not have formed if the body was in complete order. This is the lethal chaos. AIDS, for example, is a fatal illness that indicates lack of immunity. It is a flagrant indication that immunity may collapse and is not taken-for-granted just as order itself.


Creators of the Chaos Theory and supporters of spreading it all over the world see a physical aspect of the theory; which is the Entropy.
The ides comes out from the second law of the Theory of Thermodynamics, which states that any change that happens automatically in a physical system should be accompanied with an increase in its entropy; i.e., and increase in the levels of chaos taking place in it. Thus, to change means to suffer from lack of order or occurrence of chaos.
The question that should be raised here is: what about humans, and humanity?
Theoretician in the US say they do not give attention to this as long as all people are no more than tools, and that this is how things naturally go.
If you say people will die, they respond by saying they will die sooner or later, so why not chaotically! Have not thousands of people died since the early existence? Did not they die out of diseases in which case it is nature that says they are tools of death?
Was not there a terrifying massacre during the WWII which resulted in the death of about 80 million people and injury of about 128 million wounded and deformed? Why are you surprised then at chaos?
What is strange in this regard is the establishment of the United Nations which tries to set the world to order and lessen its chaotic nature.
If you terrifyingly inquire about this indeterminacy, they would say no one counts how many are killed in wars. The death toll is only estimated. They die in war because they are destined to, just as they are destined to die naturally. It is physics that says so.
This is not only cold bloodedness, but even cold mindedness.
Americans would say physics tells that chaos is the norm while stability and order are the exception and they would provide you with evidence from thermodynamics:
Any closed system tends to change or transform automatically with the increase of its entropy or chaos till it reaches the state of equal distribution of chaos in all its points, just as the equal temperature, density and other aspects that water has when cold and hot water is mixed. Reaching a balance in spreading chaos to all will, probably, take some time.
Thus, Americans create chaos and others adopt and apply it. The (others) receive it only to reflect it, making the whole world in a vicious circle for which no beginning or end is recognized, and no knowledge whatsoever about who has started it.


Non-polarity is the exception which might turn to be the norm. But, it has real dangers:
It could lead to armed regional conflicts that are far from being controlled; durable, viable and can swiftly spread from one place to another without regulations. Thus, it could be governed by rules of unexpected realities, the butterfly effect, the domino effect and chaos.
Non-polarity could be a stimulus to push a super power to take a military risk in a place geographically different from its own with the hope of decisively turning the state of non-polarity into a state of multi-polarity or unipolarity “even for a while”. It might also push towards a world war or coexistence with terrorism as an inevitable reality. The example of this is the coexistence with Taliban and opening embassies for it. So might coexistence with Da’esh be.
In non-polarity, there is a kind of international fluidity that might open the way up to coexistence with what used to be Terrorism and considering it as a status-quo.
The state of Lack of Certainty is the optimum now in our expectations of what is yet to come.

Fragmentation not disintegration

What is happening now in the Middle East is fragmentation not disintegration taking into consideration the big difference between both concepts. What is taking place in the region is “fragmentation” as long as there is no cohesive unity between the constituents of some countries due to the struggle. There are not even international understandings or a will to disallow that. Still there are some super powers that refuse changing the geopolitics and have not agreed on a new Yalta. Therefore, no new divisions or countries will appear in the short run unless the international scene changes, or prescription prevailed over fragmentation that there came to appear new entities. Those new entities could appear in the absence of a local or regional will to prevent them, or if there is a state of international fluidity that is absented or unable of imposing a decision or reaching an understanding about new geopolitics.
The basic caldron that erupts the contemporary chaos is the Middle East. Comparing what is taking place in the Region now to what happened during the First World War or the Cold War is not accurate, for it is resembles the Thirty Years War when that long-time conflict resulted in the destruction of large parts of Europe in the first half of the Seventeenth Century.
If you consider the situation in Europe at that time, you would know that in the years to come, there will probably be various weak states unable to control vast areas of their territories, and there will also be various militias and terrorist groups working on increasing their influence, let alone the civil wars and the wars between countries. Sectarian and societal identities will find a place and will even surpass the national identities. Local players will continue to interfere in the internal affairs of their neighbouring countries driven by the huge natural resources supplies. Foreign players, however, will be either unable or unwilling to let the region stabilize.
Thus, the bad can easily be worse in case the US was reluctant or unable of being wiser or of resorting to really more fruitful options. There is not even a one and sole solution to problems because the nature of challenges differ from one region to another and from one issue to another.
In fact, solutions of any kind can only be, at best, managed but not reached.
The Middle East is going towards disintegration and fragmentation, and the Caliphate State may become reality, thus, negotiations and recognitions can follow. This might also result in other Islamic Caliphates invoking the Archetype, and you may find out that the wealthy states are the focal point and the long-sought desire of this growingly multiplying caliphate.


The archetype is all the unconscious representations in human begins; i.e., it is everything that individuals or groups get unconsciously whether mythical or semi-mythical symbols of ancient individuals or communities. This is all characterized of being totally moral and delighting, away from being harming or materialistic. This conception of the archetype is what they seek to restore today though it belongs to the past and there is no way to test its validity.
Those who represent the archetype unconsciously and seek invoking it and reflecting it on their present reality do not read history. If they happen to read, they only read what boosts the archetypal images to revive but not to destroy them. Those people live the past in their present day and just conceive its most charming images.
With the archetype, bliss and psychological balance are achieved in the subconscious. With it, individuals or groups achieve balance in the earthly world and turn it into an angelic one. Thus, there is an escape from what is real to what is desired “by depicting it mythically”.
The archetype constitutes the substratum joined by all humans upon which individuals “within and under this construction” can build their future experiences. It is the passion that turns the idea into reality. That is why there is insistence on applying it to link it to the physical world.
In this sense, the Islamic State (IS) becomes the archetype from which the blind sweeping anarchy invented by the United States erupts. The game of looking for a place for the Islamic State will cost the region suffering long years of chaos and unrest, and will affect many parts of the world. It will be accompanied with a degrading reputation of Islam and Arabs and the consequences will be really dire.
This world is really dangerous as it is posing a threat to nations. Its consequences will reach every place on the globe unless this insanity stops. This requires the establishment of an international order that can control the impacts of non-polarity and stop it at the borders of the Nihilism theory that considers chaos an order.
[1] “Paul Wolfowitz, the Pentagon’s Soul”, by Paul Labarique; “The Neo Conservatives and the Policies of Constructive Chaos”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 4 October 2004 and 27 July 2006.
[2] Anarchy in the means “Absence of any form of political authority/ Political disorder and confusion”.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Es E.T.? Mistriosos y extraños impulsos de señales de radio se captan desde el espacio

Y no creo que se trate del April's Fool (Día de los Inocentes) de EUA y algunos países de Europa.

Strange pulsing signals coming from outside our solar system form an unexplained pattern and have some wondering if they could be coming from an extra-terrestrial, researchers say.

Known as Fast Radio Bursts, just 10 have been discovered – and a new study has found all 10 bursts' dispersion measures are multiples of a single number: 187.5, New Scientist reports. 

Michael Hippke of the Institute for Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, and John Learned at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, made the discovery, claiming there's a 5 in 10,000 probability the line-up is coincidence.

"If the pattern is real, it is very, very hard to explain," Learned told New Scientist.

The pattern would imply five sources for the bursts all at regularly spaced distances from Earth, billions of light-years away. More likely, Hippke and Lerned tell New Scientist, is that the FRBs all come from somewhere much closer to home – like a group of objects within the Milky Way that naturally emit shorter-frequency radio waves after higher-frequency ones, with a delay that is a multiple of 187.5.

"There is something really interesting we need to understand," Hippke told New Scientist. "This will either be new physics, like a new kind of pulsar, or, in the end, if we can exclude everything else, an ET."

"When you set out to search for something new, 'you might find something unexpected," he adds.

The most intriguing possibility is the source of the bursts might be a "who," New Scientist reports, and a paper by Hippke and Learned concludes: "An artificial source (human or non-human) must be considered."

But a fast radio burst is not the easiest message aliens could send, New Scientist notes.

Maura McLaughlin of West Virginia University, tells New Scientist it takes a lot of energy to make a signal that spreads across lots of frequencies, and if the bursts come from outside the galaxy, they's have to be incredibly energetic to get this far.

"This extraordinary finding either indicates an as yet unknown or unusual astronomical phenomenon, or it could indicate that this is a vast alien communication network, and the universe is teeming with intelligent life forms," Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, tells the Daily Mail. 

"Every unusual signal from outer space encourages us to wonder if it is from an alien civilization.It would be fantastic if this was an alien signal as the knowledge that we are not alone in this vast universe would have a dramatic impact on our perception of our place in the scheme of things."

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